Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An Update on Steeler

Steeler should be giving birth around the 23rd of this month (although, who really knows for sure?). I've had some requests for an update on her and thought I'd post some pics. She seems to be rather tired lately as I would be if I were in her condition. And, if I ever were to be in her condition, it would be a medical miracle :-).

Here's some pics of her laying down by herself and with the kids. I'm not really sure who's more excited about this: me or the kids? Either way, you can see for yourself that she's starting to get closer to the big day. You'll also have to forgive me for throwing in a pic of one of her brag walls. These are just a couple of the ribbons she's received from UKC and AKC trials. I know it's shameless but I guess I shouldn't be sorry for being proud of her!

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